Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly asked questions we receive regularly.

What version does Arix support?

Right now Arix supports the latest version of Pterodactyl, Pterodactyl v1.11.5. When there is a new Pterodactyl release we try to update Arix Theme, and our other resources as soon as possible. Note that updates are not guaranteed.

Does Arix work with addons?

Yes, all our themes are designed to be compatible with addons. In many cases, you may be able to streamline certain steps or need to perform additional or modified steps. If you're unsure about what to do, we suggest reaching out to us for assistance. Arix comes with specific guidelines you should keep in mind, Arix includes important notes within the files routes.ts and ServerRouter.tsx. By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate any addon.

Can get I get a discount?

Absolutely! Act fast and click the "Get Arix Today" button now to secure a coupon code. Hurry, as only 5 people can redeem it!

But we also have localized pricing for people living in countries with a less-stable currency or economy. Check if your country has a localized price.