Colors on Arix

To modify the colors on the Arix Theme, navigate to admin → arix → colors. At the top, you'll find a 'Toggle Input Type' option, which allows you to switch between a color picker and text input. This flexibility is handy if you already have a preferred color scheme. Each input includes a reset button to revert colors back to their original settings. There are two color palettes available: dark mode and light mode. Ensure you specify the primary color for both palettes. The primary color is straightforward, as are the success and danger colors. The secondary color is applied to buttons and input fields. Secondary background color corresponds to Gray 600, Secondary border to Gray 500, and Secondary text to Gray 200. Background color adjustments can be made by modifying the value of Gray 800, and box colors correspond to Gray 700. These settings apply to both dark and light modes.

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gray50: #F4F4F4
gray100: #D5D5DB
gray200: #B2B2C1
gray300: #8282A4
gray400: #5E5E7F
gray500: #42425B
gray600: #42425B
gray700: #1D1D37
gray800: #0B0B2A
gray900: #040416